Saturday, October 24, 2009

In the meantime, On the mountain.

Cottages on three hundred acres in Tennessee are meant for seasons of rest and healing. Time on the mountain in Virginia is for seeking the face of God and discovering His vision.

Waiting on the Lord and seeking His face brings a certain identity confirmation. Who we are in Him is solidified because we become more intimately acquainted with who He is.

Moses met on the mountain with God. Here He received a vision of who God is, and what He wanted for His people. When he walked down the mountain, Ten Commandments in hand, he had to veil his face so the people could not see the glow on his countenance fade. Like the waning of the moon the reminder of God's glory dimmed as the distance between the present time and the presence of God grew longer.

Because the Holy Spirit now dwells in those who believe in Christ, Paul reminds us that our faces can remain unveiled. When we fix our eyes on Christ we do not receive an afterglow of glory that will fade. Rather, the visible change in us exists, and even grows stronger for the remainder of our time on earth as a reminder of the truth and beauty of God.

"Where there is no vision, the people perish," says Solomon in Proverbs 29:18. My soul withers when I cannot sink my life into fulfilling a vision for it. But God has a vision...that none should die, but all should come to repentance. It is the great work of God in this world that those created in His image should come to bear the image of Christ and then draw others by Christ's radiance reflecting from within them.

Right now, I'm sitting on the mountain, discovering more about who He is so that at the end of the day I can become more like Him, so that His vision will be my vision, so that his love will be my love, so that the light in my eyes will be the spark of the divine.

Walk down this mountain with your heart held high.
Follow in the footsteps of your Maker.
With this love that's gone before you and these people at your side.
If you offer up your broken cup, you will taste the meaning of this life.

- Bebo Norman

Love. Anna G.

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